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Pocket Zine

Graphic / Publication / Infographic

Pocket Zine is a project that aims to promote miniature books. Miniature book is referring to book that within 3inches. It is a fun way to express yourself and a unique experience to make one. Unlike conventional bookbinding, miniature book emphasise free form and creative binding. The art encourage interesting ways to tell your story and unconventional material use.

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Pocket Binder

UI & UX / Infographic

Pocket Binder is an app that provides binding information. Such as step by step binding tutorials, preparation guidance and basic binding knowledge. The app allows users to customize their binding experience by providing information of the book that users is trying to bind.  For example, number of pages, artwork dimension and book type. With the information above, the app would generate the best binding methods for users to choose. The app also establishes a tool shop and binding community for users to purchase essential tools and interact with other binders by sharing their book art.

Law Yu Ling

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